I Like Basketball


Starring Paul, Paul, and Tina, as well as several appearances from the staff of Main St. Pub in Allendale, MI.  Topics include the Sarah Connor Chronicles, and noisy kids on planes.  Which are probably worse than snakes. Note the wild screams of the MSU fans during a Final Four game.  Ah, the comradery, and ah, how none of these hosts follow college sports.


My favorite part?  Tina looks up and belches.  Totally awesome.

I Like You Too


Starring Paul, Paul, and Tina, as usual.  Mostly discussed the Seriese Finale of BSG – for which there are no spoilers, as none have seen it yet.

Jerry and I on Catalyst Radio


Listen as Jerry and I extoll the virtues of the West Michigan Co-op, and try not to sound like morons.

Also, our interview doesn’t really start until about halfway through.  Patience, grasshoppers and co-op-shoppers!

Find more from WYCE’s Catalyst Radio here.

I like Beer


Episode 4 of I Like Juice.  With Paul, Paul, and Tina; Lindsay as server. We talk about the new Kindle App for iPhone, Watchmen, Dollhouse, and stuff.

I like Curly Thursdays


Featuring Paul D, Tina W.D., Paul H., and Special Guest Jean D. This episode ends rather abruptly, because a personal phone conversation began that we couldn’t include in the episode.  As always, thanks for listening!

Hudsonville Voice Over


This is the City of Hudsonville DDA voice over.  Enjoy.

I Like Cosmopolitans


Episode 1 of the new podcast, I Like Juice.  Recorded at Walker Roadhouse in Walker, Michigan. Continue reading

RestauRant: Joe V’s

Joe V’s Sports Louge is a decent place to have a beer and watch a game.  It’s a bit dark, with lots of TV’s, and a friendly wait staff and bartenders. Continue reading

Sir Sack-a-lot


A fine squirrel specimen

A fine squirrel specimen

Named after one of the football teams in my fantasy league, this fine squirrel specimen was captured on SD Card this past fall, feasting on a slice of bread we left for him.